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  MP Series Multi-Pi Choke Coils      
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© 2001 Wilco Corporation | All Rights Reserved
Leads: 1.5"
Coils finished with Thermosetting Varnish
These coils use 3-Pi Universal windings to insure low distributed capacity and high Q
Wilco Part Number


Test Frequency
Tol. Q Min. SRF Min
MP101 100.00 0.79 5% 49 11 5.4 160 0.41 0.75
MP151 150.00 0.79 5% 53 8.8 6.5 160 0.41 0.75
MP241 240.00 0.79 5% 56 7.2 8.5 160 0.44 0.75
MP391 390.00 0.79 5% 57 5.6 11 160 0.5 0.75
MP551 550.00 0.79 5% 58 4.8 13 160 0.5 0.75
MP621 620.00 0.79 5% 59 4.5 15 160 0.53 0.75
MP751 750.00 0.79 5% 56 4 16 160 0.53 0.875
MP102 1000.00 0.25 5% 83 2.6 8.6 160 0.47 0.875
MP152 1500.00 0.25 5% 82 2.1 11 160 0.47 0.875
MP252 2500.00 0.25 5% 80 1.7 15 160 0.53 0.875
MP392 3900.00 0.25 5% 73 1.4 20 160 0.56 0.875
MP552 5500.00 0.25 5% 69 1.1 25 160 0.59 0.875
MP622 6200.00 0.25 5% 89 1 37 100 0.53 0.875
MP822 8200.00 0.25 5% 83 0.94 46 100 0.56 0.875
MP103 10000.00 0.079 5% 108 0.71 31 100 0.53 0.875
MP253 25000.00 0.079 5% 102 0.47 82 65 0.53 0.875
MP503 50000.00 0.079 5% 113 0.33 127 65 0.63 0.875